• God is still with you

    Hey You!

    Have you ever prayed to God, but it seemed as if he didn't hear you cry out to him? This is very normal whether you know it or not. It could be that your faith is being tested. I love to pray, but I don't like to when I feel as if he isn't talking back to me. What do you do when this occurs in your life? Type your answers in the comments below.

    There were times in the Bible where Job cried out to God, and he had these same exact feelings that his God wasn't responding. However, that did not stop him from crying out. He was relentless, and he did not let up. Read chapters 30 and 31 of Job when you have time.

    Here are some actions to take when you can't hear him:

    1) Ask God for forgiveness for the things you have thought, said, spoke that you know does not please him.

    2) Forgive those you are holding hostage in your mind because you have not released what they have done to you.

    3) Read his word without any electronics on for 15 minutes.

    4) Be resilient enough to continue to pray. 

    Then, may your ears be filled with God's voice very soon. Keep praying and don't stop.